Nubian Empire Magazine Interview

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Want to get to know a little bit more about me? Here is a copy of my interview with entrepreneur, Tanya Marie, that was featured in the Summer 2020 Edition of Nubian Empire magazine. Enjoy!

What inspired you to take up Photography?
RM: My aunt gave me a 110 film camera as a young child. I loved taking snapshots of my family and even have most of them! I outgrew that very quickly but have always had a camera ever since. As my kids have gotten older, I have come to a realization that photography has been the one constant in life that has always brought me joy. 

TM: What sets you apart from other Photographers?
RM: That’s a tough question – there are so many great photographers out there. But I will admit that I am, and always have been, an advocate – as a nurse and as a photographer – for empowering women. I am very passionate about bringing the beauty that I see in a person to fruition in an image. 

TM: Do you specialize in a certain genre of Photography?
RMI specialize in boudoir photography, wanting to not just help women to realize how beautiful they are, but that they are sensual sexual beings and to be confident in that awareness. 

TM: Where do you see your business going within the next few years?
RM: I want to use my business to support and empower women, especially those struggling with esteem issues and personal trials. I am currently working on building a team for a non-profit that can gift the empowering and life changing experience of a luxury boudoir session to women who may never gift it to themselves but really do deserve it. 

TM: What was your favorite shoot and why?
RM: Ooh, another tough one. I love the major transformations that occur. Those are exciting! But my favorite shoots are the ones where we are having so much fun that we end up laughing most of the time. 

TM: Have you ever been published in a magazine? 
RM: I have done the cover of Nubian Empire magazine and my work will also be featured in Sunset Vibez magazine. 

TM: How long have you been a photographer and what do you enjoy the most about this Art?
RM:Essentially I’ve been a photographer my whole life and I’ve always taken delight in capturing an emotion in an image, an inner beauty and bringing it to light. But mostly I enjoy the interactions, the experiences, and the friends I’ve made on my photographic journey.

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