My name is Rya Eisma! I’m of Filipino ancestry. I was born and raised in Hawai’i and moved to Las Vegas when I was pregnant with my first child. Photography has been my passion since I was a kid; I was gifted a 110 film camera by my Aunt, and by the time I was nine, I had graduated to use my Mom’s Pentax SLR. I still credit my love for photography to my first camera. 

I took as many photography courses as possible in high school and college. Ultimately, I got my degree in nursing and got a “real” job to support myself and my son. In the back of my mind, I always knew I needed to find my way back to my roots, to what I am most passionate about. Fast forward more than a decade, and I’m back to where my heart has always been – boudoir photography

I often get asked, “Why boudoir photography?” my response is always the same: it’s fun! My favorite thing about being a Las Vegas boudoir photographer is being able to help my clients realize the extent of their inner levels of confidence. I think we should all get the chance to feel sexy and to see ourselves as the beautiful, sensual creatures we are. If you have any questions about our process or the experience as a whole, click the button below, and I will be more than happy to talk with you. 

Rya Eisma smiling in headshot wearing black top with white trim
Rya Michele, Women’s Advocate & Photographer

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